How much tea does each country drink?

Tea, that delightful elixir steeped in tradition and shared across cultures, has a story to tell that’s as heartwarming as its comforting brew. Let’s take a journey into the world of tea, where each sip reveals a new chapter in its global adventure.

Picture China, the powerhouse of tea production and consumption, where tea flows like rivers and flavors dance on the palate. It’s no surprise that China reigns supreme as the top producer and consumer of tea worldwide. With its vast landscapes and diverse regions, China offers a kaleidoscope of tea varieties, each with its own tale to tell.

But wait, who’s this unexpected hero stealing the tea-drinking crown on a per capita basis? It’s Turkey, folks! Surprising, right? Turkey may not be the first name that comes to mind when you think of tea, but its love for the leaf runs deep, earning it the coveted title of the top tea-drinking nation per person. And hey, let’s give a shout out to New Zealand too, holding its own among the tea-loving nations with a strong affinity for a good cuppa sitting in the top 10 tea loving nations at #7!

Now, let’s spill the tea on tea preferences around the globe. From bold, robust brews favored in some corners to delicate, nuanced flavors cherished elsewhere, tea lovers come in all shapes, sizes, and taste buds. It’s a beautiful tapestry of flavors, with each sip telling a story of culture, tradition, and personal preference. So how much tea does each country drink?

Tea consumption per person by country...

1  Turkey 3.16 kg (6.96 lb)
2  Ireland 2.19 kg (4.83 lb)
3  United Kingdom 1.94 kg (4.28 lb)
4  Iran[2] 1.50 kg (3.30 lb)
5  Russia 1.38 kg (3.05 lb)
6  Morocco 1.22 kg (2.68 lb)
7  New Zealand 1.19 kg (2.63 lb)
8  Chile[3] 1.19 kg (2.62 lb)
9  Egypt 1.01 kg (2.23 lb)
10  Poland 1.00 kg (2.20 lb)
11  Japan 0.97 kg (2.13 lb)
12  Saudi Arabia 0.90 kg (1.98 lb)
13  South Africa 0.81 kg (1.79 lb)
14  Netherlands 0.78 kg (1.72 lb)
15  Australia 0.75 kg (1.65 lb)
16  United Arab Emirates 0.72 kg (1.59 lb)
17  Germany 0.69 kg (1.52 lb)
18  Hong Kong 0.65 kg (1.43 lb)
19  Ukraine 0.58 kg (1.28 lb)
20  China 0.57 kg (1.25 lb)
21  Canada 0.51 kg (1.12 lb)
22  Malaysia 0.48 kg (1.06 lb)
23  Indonesia 0.46 kg (1.01 lb)
24  Switzerland 0.44 kg (0.97 lb)
25  Czech Republic 0.42 kg (0.93 lb)
26  Singapore 0.37 kg (0.81 lb)
27  Slovakia 0.36 kg (0.80 lb)
28  India 0.33 kg (0.72 lb)
30  Sweden 0.29 kg (0.64 lb)
31  Hungary 0.28 kg (0.62 lb)
32  Norway 0.27 kg (0.60 lb)
33  Austria 0.27 kg (0.59 lb)
34  Finland 0.24 kg (0.54 lb)
35  United States 0.23 kg (0.50 lb)
36  Argentina 0.21 kg (0.47 lb)
37  Israel 0.20 kg (0.45 lb)
38  France 0.20 kg (0.44 lb)
39  Vietnam 0.20 kg (0.44 lb)
40  South Korea 0.17 kg (0.37 lb)
41  Spain 0.15 kg (0.32 lb)
42  Denmark 0.15 kg (0.32 lb)
43  Italy 0.14 kg (0.31 lb)
44  Belgium 0.13 kg (0.28 lb)
45  Bulgaria 0.11 kg (0.24 lb)
46  Romania 0.073 kg (0.16 lb)
47  Portugal 0.064 kg (0.14 lb)
48  Thailand 0.050 kg (0.11 lb)
49  Philippines 0.027 kg (0.06 lb)
50  Greece 0.023 kg (0.05 lb)
51  Venezuela 0.023 kg (0.05 lb)
52  Peru 0.023 kg (0.05 lb)
53  Colombia 0.018 kg (0.04 lb)
54  Brazil 0.018 kg (0.04 lb)
55  Mexico 0.014 kg (0.03 lb)

While coffee may have its Starbucks-fueled reign, tea culture is making a comeback, and we’re here for it! See what countries prefer tea vs coffee in our post here! From trendy bubble tea to classic milk tea, there’s something for everyone in the world of modern tea beverages. But let’s not forget the OG of tea drinking – traditional Chinese tea. It’s more than just a drink; it’s a ceremony, a tradition, a way of life. And the best part? It’s good for you too! No guilt here, just pure, wholesome goodness in every sip.

Unlike caffeinated beverages or alcoholic drinks fraught with health concerns, traditional Chinese tea embodies a sense of purity and wholesomeness. Its consumption transcends age, gender, and social status, serving as a unifying force that brings people together in shared moments of tranquility and connection. We may be bias, but if you don’t want to leave anyone out – have a tea party!

So, as we raise our mugs to the global tea community, let’s celebrate the simple joys of sharing a cup of tea with friends, family, or even a friendly stranger. In a world that’s always on the go, tea reminds us to slow down, savor the moment, and appreciate the little things. Here’s to tea – the ultimate pick-me-up, the ultimate comfort, and the ultimate friend in a cup. Cheers!

Source – Wikipedia

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